Monday 20 September 2010

My Shopping Genie Webinar

My Shopping Genie - UK Launch

There over 1000 in attendance at the UK LAUNCH !

New Items of importance that were launched
Global cash card...where your commissions will be deposited for you to use as & when you wish.
The opening of India.
The NEW Genie.
Fantastic New promotional website and tools to help you build a Huge building

Sunday 19 September 2010

Saving Money App

MyShoppingGenie is an innovative online shopping App that instantly finds the best deals and lowest prices on millions of products.

It's fast, it's easy, and best of all, it's free!
Unlock the bargain finding power of MyShoppingGenie simply by using your favorite major search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or AOL. Enter your chosen item and MyShoppingGenie instantly springs into action thoroughly searching the Internet, including major online retailer and auction sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Wal-Mart and the top shopping engines.

My Shopping Genie - The Company

MyNet Universe is the exclusive home of MyShoppingGenie, a revolutionary new Web App. You may be wondering why we named this innovative Internet solution the Genie after the mythical character that Aladdin released from his lamp. Like Aladdin's genie, MyShoppingGenie has an almost magical ability to grant our wishes for saving money, making money and for helping us make a positive impact on our world.

MyShoppingGenie enables the average person to take advantage of major trends in our economy. The first is the fact that saving money has become very hip. Some people are even saying that saving money is the new green.

MyShoppingGenie is right at the center of this because when you use the Genie, you can save money on the things you need. How does this work? Whenever you look to buy something online using any major search engine like Google or Yahoo, the Genie appears; and just like magic, it cuts through the clutter to find you the best deals on virtually anything you're looking for.

Why is the Genie so important? The Internet has the appearance of offering unlimited choices, but nothing is further from the truth. The major search engines charge online retailers' or sellers' fees to appear near the top of their search results. This means that much of what you see when searching for something you need is not necessarily the best deal for you but, rather, what benefits the major search engine. The Genie is different because it puts you, the customer, first by enabling you to better manage your search results so that you can find a better buy.

Secondly, you can also make money online with MyShoppingGenie because when someone uses the free Genie that you gave them and buys something from one of the hundreds of top online retailers, these companies then share their Affiliate commissions with you; and you make money.

MyNet Universe is making MyShoppingGenie available to give the consumer unlimited choices in the marketplace. The Genie breaks the limitations of shopping at one store or the confines of an online buying club. The Genie breaks the limitations created by the major search engines controlling what we see in our search results, thus giving us more choices. Finally, the Genie can be your online business that can create the wealth you need for the life you want so that you can change the world in any way you choose.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Join The Genie

Find out all about My Shopping Genie Opportunity
listen to this 7 minute audio

What is the Genie and how does it work

The Genie is an Application (App for short) that you install on your computer that helps you save time and money when you are searching and shopping on the internet for products.
You install it straight from a distributors My Shopping Genie web site and the best part about it is…..its 100% FREE with NO STRINGS. It DOES NOT ask for or store any of your personal details, so it’s safe as well.
The Genie will work on any major search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc….it will work on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and runs on a Windows Platform, but for this example I’ll use Internet Explorer and Google.
The more specific you are with your Google search, the better results you will get from Google, and the Genie works 100% from those results. If you just put in iPod it will show too many results, so iPod Nano 16gb will give a better result, but you even be more specific than that…..i’m just going to say iPod for this example.
How does it work
Open Internet Explorer and do a Google search for an item you are looking to buy……say an iPod….click search and you will get your list of web sites as normal, but this time the Genie will appear as a bar across the bottom of your screen and it’s about 1 inch (25mm) deep. There are a few buttons on there but the one you are looking for is the COMPARE it and it will bring up a small box on your screen with 6 companies in it, tick all the boxes and press GO…..then you just sit back and watch the Genie go to work. You will see it opening new tabs on your will open 6 in total and wait until it’s finished…..this will take about 1 minute. When it’s finished, let’s say the first tab shows £150 as the cheapest price and you go to the next tab and it shows £130, just go back and close the £150 tab down because you know you have seen it for £130…….just click through all the tabs and narrow it down until you find the best price and best deal……..the best price is not always the best deal because you may find a store giving something FREE when you buy from them…….this whole search should take you about 10 minutes instead of the hours and hours it would normally take.
Get your Free app HERE

Options Button
This button is very important…….click it and it will bring up a box in the centre of your screen. In the top left hand corner you will see it shows London England……if you don’t live in London, change it to your local area and even if you do live in London, still make it more specific to your area. Click SAVE CHANGES and then close the box. Now let’s say you needed a Printer cartridge and you need it today, you can’t wait for a delivery. Do your Google search for the Cartridge and the Genie will appear. This time click the MAP button……this is linked to Google Maps so it will show you all the stores in your area that stock that particular cartridge, it will show their phone numbers, address and where they are on the map and all you have to do is call them to make sure it’s in stock and go collect it.
Get your Free app HERE
Voucher Button
Every time you do a search for an item and you have your final price, go back to the tab where you put in your original search so that you see the Genie, click the voucher button and it will show you if any company is offering any further discounts. Each voucher has a unique code so you tell the store the code and it could save you even more money.
Get your Free app HERE
What’s so special about the Genie
When you do a Google search for anything, the companies that are at the top of Google are the companies that pay Google the most money in advertising. The problem with that is the customer… and me…..never get the best price, because the best price might be down on page 423 and you’re just not going there. The majority of people will search the first page, some may go to the second page but the truth is we usually get fed up after we’ve looked through the top 2 or 3 sites, so we never get the best price, we get the company who is paying Google the most money to be there……now the Genie, it will find the best price even if it is down on page 423 and as I said it will do it in about 1 minute.
Get your Free app HERE

My Shopping Genie Tip From Frazer Brookes

Here's a tip from our youngest Global power...
WOW! We really are rocking and rolling here in the UK... The growth is unbelievable!
To date I have sponsored 25 people which in turn has grown in to over 650 people in my personal enrolment tree!
My advice to people is get passionate about this opportunity - use the product and make a genuine saving, it gives you more belief and people can tell when you speak to them! The more passionate and believable you are the more people you will sponsor and the more money you will make! When I first joined I didn't really use the product, and although I am only 22, I don't really shop online, but after using the Shopping Genie a few times I began to realise how much money I was saving, and this led to me telling all of my contacts about this incredible business! The first 40 people I spoke to I sponsored 4. The second 40 people I spoke to I sponsored 21!!! So, the longer I am in this business and the more people I am talking to, the better my results...
Here's Simon Brookes story - My friend needed a camera so that he could take many photos when we went away on holiday. I told him to use the Shopping Genie but he already said that he knew the cheapest place to buy it from. I knew he would regret saying that! So we went on holiday (with his Sony Camera - which was £320) and when we returned I showed him how much he would of saved if he used the Genie! We found it on Currys website for £299, then, after using the Genie, we found it for £218!!! He is now a MyShoppingGenie distributor and has had many installations which in turn has paid for his camera! WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Frazer Brookes
Global Power Distributor

My Shopping Genie Business Opportunity

News you can use with "Genie News" Get the Genie Here
Here is a tip from our latest GLOBAL Paul Monks who is the FOURTH Global in the UK...
Let the Genie Save YOU Time and MONEY!!
In our fast-paced lives, Time is precious. Also, especially in the current economic climate, EVERYONE is looking to save money!
Well the good news is that the Genie can save you both TIME and MONEY!
1. Saving people TIME when searching for products. No more trawling through lots of Internet sites, trying to get the best deals, and
2. Helping people to save MONEY, by finding you the BEST deals and the Lowest prices!
Just ask yourself this question? "How many people out there want to save both TIME and MONEY"??
The great news is that if you only give away 15-20 FREE Genies, the click income you receive should pay your Monthly maintenance! How cool is that??
Please pass this message into all your teams and let's build a business where EVERYONE's Monthly Maintenance is paid for from their Click income!!
People LOVE bargains and people get excited about saving money! Let the Genie do its magic and see how many of your customers get excited!
Just imagine the crowds around you, if you were giving away £50 notes...people would be scrambling to get those £50 notes off you...for FREE!!
Well, by giving away FREE Genies is almost the same!! The average family can be saving £50 every couple of weeks by comparing prices and getting the BEST deals!!

Friday 17 September 2010

My Shopping Genie Monster Weekend


My Shopping Genie Business Opportunity

Take a look this amazing new opportunity by going to My Shopping Genie and watch the short introduction video. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and look for the word Distributors…click on it and it will take you to another page with more info. You will get this web site FREE when you join us. Make sure you Install your FREE Genie.

Listen to my upline support member explain about the opportunity at Join The Genie and click the 7 minute voice call.

Check this site out as well…..this is another FREE distributor web site you will get My Marketing Genie  you can fill in your details on the top right of the page and it will take you to another page with more information.

The way it works is very unique... People can install and use the Genie for FREE from someone who has the license. Every time someone searches an item on the 5 major search engines like Google, Yahoo etc, the Genie appears at the bottom of your screen and you can press the COMPARE button which brings up a few websites with the best prices for that particular item……this can save the user quite a lot of time & money.

Now every time someone clicks the COMPARE button, you get paid (Pay Per Click) ever had the dream of making a fortune through the power of the internet, from the likes of Google?

In 1996 Google had 10,000 clicks a day NOW they have 3.1/3.5 billion clicks a day.....would you like a piece of it, well NOW you can.

You also have the networking side of the business where you enroll people into the business and you earn commissions.

We launch in the UK in September 2010

So to summarise, 
  • NO product to sell, as it is a FREE download.
  • NO shipping.
  • NO handling costs.
  • NO VAT.
  • Make money through Pay Per Click.
  • Make money through building a team.
  • End users SAVE money.
  • Very low running costs.
  • Don't have to be a networker to make huge money.
  • What the Industry has been waiting for.
There are only a few people in the UK who have the license at the moment, me and a small number of my colleagues. Let me know if you want to be next My Shopping Genie Distributor !!!

My Shopping Genie

Welcome to our new blog about this fabulous new pc app called My Shopping Genie

This little genie can save you a fortune online simply download it here free
and click and compare prices, see how much time you can save
by not having to search every page for the best price.